Comment on No Sew Moss Pillow & $600 Visa Giveaway by Sally T..
I would use the money to pay some bills and buy a blue-bird house and shop for some craft things.
Sally T. Also Commented
No Sew Moss Pillow & $600 Visa Giveaway
Hmmm~with the beautiful weather here today,I would love to be out buying some
new furniture for my deck,and of coarse,plants and pots,and pay off some bills.
No Sew Moss Pillow & $600 Visa Giveaway
I tweeted~and I would spend some of the money on the Military helping soldiers coming
home with PTSD.
No Sew Moss Pillow & $600 Visa Giveaway
I wish I had a porch~love the idea though.If i won the give away I would pay off some
bills and go shopping for some gardening and craft things~and also buy some bird feeders(blue-bird) houses.
Recent Comments by Sally T.
Decoupage Herb Planter
I love this~I wish I could find cute things like this.