Comment on Green Pea-Sesame Hummus {Tasty Tuesday) by Jennifer.
I love hummus, but have never considered making it from anything but chickpeas. I will definitely have to give this a try! Thanks for sharing! =)
Recent Comments by Jennifer
A Thanksgiving Tablescape
Such a lovely table setting, but even more lovely is the tradition of generosity of you to our soldiers. I am in tears reading this morning. I know they were most grateful.
Have a lovely week!
Celebrating Everyday Life Magazine
Congratulations on having your features published! Those cookies are absolutely killing me! I’ve not been able to check out Celebrating Everyday Life, but I have heard so many wonderful things about it!
Have a very Happy Halloween!!
8-Tips for a Great Laundry Room
I LOVE your laundry room make-over! It looks great and is so functional! If we can ever get a free moment from the kiddos, the laundry room is first and my list of things to improve!