Comment on Better Late Than Never Top Five! by Jennifer @ Town and Country Living.
I wish I could draw well enough (or is it good enough?) to make chalkboard art but it’s just not gonna happen, much as I love it. I already follow but I do hope you get to 1000 soon!
Jennifer @ Town and Country Living Also Commented
Better Late Than Never Top Five!
I am embarrassed to say I didn’t even think of signing up as a follower as I was so happy to receive your blog via email. Thanks for the reminder and happy to do so! I simply ADORE your blog and your Pinterest pages have kept me enthralled over and over again. Thanks for sharing your happy spirit and joy with all of us! And wishing you and yours the happiest and healthiest of holidays and new year, too! Pippa
Better Late Than Never Top Five!
Wow … I’m so truly flattered to have been chosen as one of your top five! Thank you all so very much. And, congrats to Kelly (and the other ladies, as well) … her chalkboard art IS amazing! Merry Christmas!
Better Late Than Never Top Five!
YAY! Thanks so much – happy dance 🙂 this was such a fun party.
PS just followed you via google friend connect, hope you meet your goal, that’s awesome!
Recent Comments by Jennifer @ Town and Country Living
Colonial Williamsburg {a step back in time}
Barb, what a wonderful trip, that palace I unbelievable and the gardens amazing. I have several family members that go there year after year for vacation and they never tire of what it has to offer. They are also huge history buffs!
Colonial Williamsburg {a step back in time}
Looks like a lot of fun, Barb! I’ve never toured there, just visited. I would love to go if I could get my homebody family away from the beach!
Colonial Williamsburg {a step back in time}
Barb I love the picture of you and your honey, great picture of both of you. Oh how I want to go back, you did a fabulous job showing us Williamsburg. The Rockefeller kitchen cupboards reminded me of my color in the kitchen, and oh how I want that sink and stove. I am a throw back of the 1930s I guess. Loved my guided tour with you,
xoxo Kathysue
Colonial Williamsburg {a step back in time}
Happy Anniversary…sounds like you had a great time! Williamsburg is a fascinating place…I’m like to go back sometime! 😉
Colonial Williamsburg {a step back in time}
Happy Anniversary! What a great place to spend a romantic, thrown-back-in-time vacation!!! I love Williamsburg! Bobby and I honeymooned there and go almost every year!!!
Your images make me want to get in the car and head south right now!!!!
Looks like you soaked in all the beauty there!!!!