Comment on No Sew Moss Pillow & $600 Visa Giveaway by Sally T..
Hmmm~with the beautiful weather here today,I would love to be out buying some
new furniture for my deck,and of coarse,plants and pots,and pay off some bills.
Sally T. Also Commented
No Sew Moss Pillow & $600 Visa Giveaway
I tweeted~and I would spend some of the money on the Military helping soldiers coming
home with PTSD.
No Sew Moss Pillow & $600 Visa Giveaway
I would use the money to pay some bills and buy a blue-bird house and shop for some craft things.
No Sew Moss Pillow & $600 Visa Giveaway
I wish I had a porch~love the idea though.If i won the give away I would pay off some
bills and go shopping for some gardening and craft things~and also buy some bird feeders(blue-bird) houses.
Recent Comments by Sally T.
Decoupage Herb Planter
I love this~I wish I could find cute things like this.